Conception and delivery!
Due to a lack of time or ignorance, many companies continue to advertise ad hoc. There is no deeper message to be derived from the statements. This allows you to see that opportunities are lost. Investing time in developing a unique concept that appeals to the target market is a must. The following phases are of importance:
Process phases

Ideas Formation
In the concept phase the briefing is first rewritten. The possible opportunities and starting points for the assignment are summed up. During a number of brainstorm sessions we generate basic concepts based on the principles of the organization. The best ideas are evaluated and the best concept is developed through a debrief session.
Concept Refining
The ideas are lifted to a sounding concept in a second phase and an appropriate strategy is developed that focuses on the intended objectives. During this phase, investments, budgets, technical options and bottlenecks are discussed. As a result of market research, the chosen concept is being tightened up to make it successful and to align it with the wishes of the consumer.
Planning is a key element in every process. What will who do and when? Or what needs to be finished at what time to continue. Budgets must be approved. Preliminary designs must be approved. And all this worked out within certain time periods to meet deadlines. Who is responsible for what. Technical aspects must also be considered.
Visual Conception
The principles that have been discussed are now presented visually. This means that slogans, texts and design are worked out. An appealing form is chosen in terms of design, using color choice, font types and image material.
Testing and Refining
This phase is important to better determine if the consumer or the public is taking in the information. What are the first reactions. How is it experienced. Are there any negative side notes. With this information, the concept and its elaboration is further refined to a point that can hit the mark.
In this phase the implementation of marketing and planning is central. The offline and online publications are planned in phases. The results and findings are monitored to adjusted to the marketing activities.
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About the author
Derek Durgaram is an entrepreneur with a background in business consultancy. He is the brains behind Green Media, a media production company based in Curacao. GreenLine Communication is a spin off of his company, a service that offers insights and project management within the digital media domain.